Tuesday, May 1, 2012

UPDATE-Hi Everyone!

Today, I get to go back to Fort Worth to see the surgeons that worked on my eyes. I'll be gone mostly for the afternoon. We have a friend taking us this time to help us save on rental car expenses being that we've acquired so many expenses with these past two surgeries and the sad thing is, I'm not done yet.

I am still having pain too. But on the flip side, as long as I don't over-use my eye, it seems to be getting better. I still have some throbbing pain though that drives me nuts (along with the itching) and a few tiny 'floaters' too but hopefully as time goes by, things will continue to improve more. I'm still waiting to find out when I can be able to 'bend over' or 'lift things' as I've been told not to do so due to the pressure. Although yesterday while at my eye doctor's office, he said the pressure is much better for now and my eye looks good and to continue what I'm doing. Which is very hard for me to do. I have a million things to get done (so it seems like) and I haven't completed anything yet due to recovering for the last week now. I don't do too well just having to sit around the house....lol I gotta be busy. I am also trying to limit myself on the pc too, but I also feel that I need to keep trying to get use to my new lens and learn to focus it more. 

Oh yeah, I forgot, I forgot, I totally forgot to tell you all! While at my eye doctor's office yesterday, I was able to read a 3rd line!!!!!! I was so stoked! I got a couple letters right, a couple wrong, but without my glasses, not too shabby considering that previously, I struggled to read that WITH my glasses!!!!! Ohhhh and then last night while I was listening to the tv with my sweetie, I decided I'd try to open my eye again (which is still very sore) and try and read some and see some of the tv. To my surprise, I was able to SEE AND READ the font on the prevue channel that my sweetie had it on! Clearly too! Without my glasses!!!!! It was the greatest feeling and I was so estatic, I wanted to go jump up and down, but darnit, I don't want to do any jumping up and down yet until the doctor says it's ok....lol Gosh only knows I'd throw something off by doing so...lol So that was so very exciting for me. I am very excited because my doctor feels that I'll have much better vision than I previously had before. Which in turn, I hope, helps me get my driver's license! Yes, I still don't have my driver's license yet. lol Don't ask my age either...haahaa, just know, it's LONG over due!

As each day goes by, I am trying to get things done here at home and hopefully be able to get in here and blog more. Although, I've had many issues today trying to create pages for some reason or even editing pages. Very frustrating getting errors, although, I haven't the time yet to learn my Wordpress, nor do I understand everything on there yet. 

Bear with me, let me get some laundry done and see if I can find y'all some deals here before I have to leave at lunch time. :) Many, many (((hugs))) and much love!

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