Thursday, May 3, 2012

Spectracide Rebates!

Purchase (3) Spectracide products, receive a $4 rebate. Purchase (2) Spectracide products, receive a $2 rebate. Click *here* to get this.

Now, all of us know that saving money on these kind of products is hard to do. And yes, rebates are a pain to do, however, if you do like I do, fill out your rebate form right when you get home from purchasing these kinds of items, send it off that day or the day after, mark it on your calendar when you sent it off, then you have nothing to worry about. Rebates are nice to get in the mail especially when you least expect it. It's like getting paid to shop for items you'd already buy anyways. I use rebates at Office Depot, Office Max, Staples(they have the rebates to do online--so easy as pie!)and many other rebates. It's a great way to get some unexpected cash when you least expect it. Rule of thumb, just like coupons, don't let the rebate amount discourage you from using rebates. What I do with ours is cash in our rebates, then I put that money into a change jar. If I get $10 for a rebate, I take the $10, go to the car wash up the street, cash that in for $10 in quarters. Put that $10 in quarters in my rainy day savings bank I have, and I'm less likely to spend it because although it's still cash, I tend to spend the bills faster than change. We all know what happens once you break that $5, $10, $20, $50 or even $100 bill right? Once broken, it goes way faster than you remember. By doing this, you save more $$$ in the long run because you don't 'see' the $10 unless you sit and count it all out. 

Also, remember this rule of thumb, no matter what the amount of change you have, whether it be a penny or even a dollar plus in change, if it's change, toss it in there too. Leave it alone. Do this all the time and you'll be amazed at how fast your savings will add up by doing this. The same thing goes for coupons. Think of all those $.25, $.35, $.50, $.75, etc coupons. Even if it's off of '2'. It doesn't matter, the point is, you're saving on something you'd normally buy anyways. I once did this with the change. I was a cashier and asked customers for donations of $1.00 to Children's Miracle Network. When they'd decline, I'd ask if they'd like to donate their change. Many which did. Some donated their .99 and didn't even realize they were donating nearly the amount I'd asked for. Others were more generous and some donated even $5 or more. At the end of the days, there were times I'd raised $100+ just in change in one 4-5 hour shift at work. It was amazing. I had also done the telethon, where I'd also raised even more money. All together, I'd raised a whoppin $3,750 on my very own for the CMN. I was so thrilled to have accomplished this. So I thought long and hard and said, "Hmmm, If I can do this raising $$$$ for CMN, surely I can do this and save $$$$ doing this in this same manner for myself and my family." I started doing this and one time I put $75 in my piggie bank, hid it, totally forgot about it. Vacation time rolled around. I was struggling to earn money for vacation. I wanted to help. I have no job, but I wanted to help. I then remembered my 'beloved piggie bank' that was hidden so I couldn't spend it. I went hunting for it, found it, counted it out and found over $100+ in change in it and I was so thrilled! Give it a try, it works!!!!!

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