Monday, March 12, 2012

Wanna See what I've been busy with? 3-12-11

Today, I've been very busy with doing more thorough organizing of my side of our stock pile, the non-food side. I've created a stock pile list that I'm entering things on as I organize.

So far, I got 3 drawers totally organized, 1 small sterlite tote organized, plus 2 bathroom cabinets organized, stock piled stuff organized that's in the bathroom, and inventoried too. I'll be continuing through the night to try and finish at least the non-food side of it, my (sweetie's side is the food side that more likely I'll do too). It'll be me and my cup of coffee or two or three tonight..........

Here's some pictures of what I did. I took out this 3 drawer tote that we had in our bedroom and it was perfect for some of our taller deodorants. I put some (what I could my son's Axe shower gels in the bottom drawer(little does he know, I'm gifting it to him for xmas this year---to help him with his small stock pile whenever he moves out on his own)and you can't open the bottom drawer, unless you pull hard. LOL

The bottom drawer with my son's tall AXE Shower Gels:

The middle drawer has tall deodorants:
The top drawer has some hair gel conditioner & some soap that was easy to fit inside this.
This next picture is of a sterlite small tote that I bought today to store all my vitamins inside it and they fit very well.
This next picture, is of underneath our bathroom sink. We have a very, very small house, so I have a very small bathroom. Therefore, limiting us space. So I had to come up with some ideas to clear my shelves a little and put this stuff where I'll find it and inventory it more easily. Also, stuff to be used. :) I inventoried all the deodorant here, plus, the tampons, pads, and cleansing sprays. I removed the old junk we had in the bathroom and tossed a ton of old stuff that needed to be tossed (like an old curling iron I never use...which turned out to be There's Tampons, Feminine stuff(pads and such in that tote on top of the deodorant), deodorant, more tampons, cleansing sprays, toilet cleaner, feminine wipes, powder and spray. I know exactly what everything is, dated/sorted, etc. Feels so good to be organized! So here's underneath our bathroom sink:
And here's underneath our bathroom drawer. Here we have on the top shelf: lotions, shampoos, conditioners, body sprays, conditioner sprays, hand soap, bath gel, travel bag. Bottom shelf: Mouthwash, Cleaning supplies(soft scrub), toothpaste. All inventoried, organized by date.
So far, that's it for now. I'll be continuing throughout the night to finish working on this detailed massive organizing. Let me know what you think and if you like it. :) If you like it, like the post and also, feel free to join my blog too! I'd love to have ya!
Alright, technically Day 3 of cleaning the bathroom. Actually, it was *all* done last night(WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!), BUT I was too tired to do a post. LOL Went to bed early to rest my darned eyes.

Here's what I finished on 3-14-12:

YIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! My bathroom is totally complete until we ever completely redo it and put a different flooring in there and such!!!!!! I did a little on Monday, some on Tuesday, most on Wednesday, finished it today, completing it with these baskets you see here on the shelf!!!! My dear sweetie chose the colors of the baskets, even though I wanted He felt these colors go well, but um...........our shower curtain has: gold, like a burgandy red color, like a hunter green color and like a navy blue color in it. I'll snap a pic later of it. But he felt these colors go well with it. I don't know, maybe it's me but eh, I would've chosen blues & burgandy's & golds, but So, please tell me what you think of my hard work??? Next is the bedroom which I started today-3-15-12. I won't show my before pix they're scary! LOL Looks like Taz went through here......sort

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