Coupon Accronyms

Coupon Accronyms

Coupon Accronyms

Coupon Acronyms are short words, abbreviations, and terminology used by couponers making it much easier to understand things and easier to type things out. So when you see these, it's easier to understand what someone is talking about when you're reading someone's blog about couponing. Here are some of the known Coupon Acronyms:

  • AC - After Coupon - Generally refers to the price after the coupon is deducted)
  • AR - After Rebate - Generally refers to the price after the rebate is deducted)
  • Blinkies - Blinkies (Smart Source Coupon Machines) are small red dispensers that blink in order to attract shoppers. They contain coupons and are usually located on store shelves in front of the promoted product. The coupons can be used in any store which accepts coupons. That means if you find a blinkie at Albertsons you can use it at Kroger, WalMart or any other store that accepts manufacturer's coupons.
  • BOGO, B1G1 - Buy One Get One. If all you see is BOGO, it generally means if you buy one item, then you get one (usually the same item) for free. But it is also used to promote other "Buy One" promotions, such as BOGO1/2P- which means, if you buy one you will get the second one at half price.
  • B1G1F - Always means, Buy One Get One Free.
  • BTFE - Box Tops for Education (School reward program)
  • B&M - Brick & Mortar stores which are stores with a physical address rather than online stores.
  • CATALINA or CAT - These coupons printed separately from the grocery store receipt although they are printed on receipt-like paper and handed to the customer. The coupons can be used at the store where you received them.
    Tip: Because of the type of paper CAT coupons are printed on, it is best to use them as soon as possible. They tend to self destruct.
  • CLFE - Campbell's Labels for Education (School reward program)
  • CNP - Coupon Near Product - When a coupon is displayed near a product.
  • CPN - Coupon
  • CRT - Cash Register Tape
  • DND - Do not Double
  • DOUBLE COUPON - Value of the coupon can be doubled. Often times grocery stores will have days where the value of a coupon is doubled. For example, if you had a coupon for dog food for .50 cents off, on a double coupon day the coupon would be redeemed for $1.00 off or double of face value of the coupon.
  • EB/ECB - ExtraCare Bucks you can use at CVS/pharmacy only.
  • ES, ESR - Easy Saver Rebate program from Walgreens.
  • ETA - Edited to Add
  • EXP - Expires
  • FAR - Free After Rebate
  • FIC - Fresh Idea Card
  • GC - Gift Card, Gift Certificate
  • GDA - Good Deal Alert
  • GG - Grocery Game
  • GM - General Mills (Coupon Insert you will find in the Sunday Papers. These seem to come out every month or so.)
  • HBA - The health and beauty aid section in the grocery store
  • HCW - Hot Coupon World
  • HDA - Hot Deal Alert
  • HT OR HGT - Hang tags for refunds or coupons hanging on a product
  • HTH - Hope this helps
  • IVC - Walgreen's Instant Value Coupon
  • IP, IPQ - Internet Printable Coupon
  • IVC - Instant Value Coupon (Walgreens Store coupon found in monthly Easy Saver Booklet)
  • K - Kellogg's - Sunday paper coupon insert.
  • MFR - Manufacturer or Manufacturer's Coupon
  • MIR - Mail in Rebate
  • NED - No Expiration Date
  • OOP - Out of Pocket
  • OOS - Out of Stock
  • OYNO - On Your Next Order
  • P&G - Proctor & Gamble
  • Peelie - Peelies are coupons attached directly to the product. Tip: Remove the coupon stickers from the item and hand it to the cashier when you check out. Generally cashiers will not deduct the price unless you hand them the peelie coupon. Peelies (for the most part) can only be used in the store where you found it.
  • PSA - Prices Starting At
  • Q - Coupon
  • RC - Raincheck
  • RP - Red Plum Sunday Supplement Coupons
  • RR - Register Rewards (Walgreens)
  • SS - Smart Source coupons insert found in the Sunday newspaper. Also may refer to Sunday Suppliment coupons.
  • STACKING - Using more than one coupon for one product. Also, using a coupon on a marked down item. Learn more about stacking coupons.
  • TEAR PAD, TP - Tear Pads are pads with coupons or rebate forms attached and are usually located on the shelf or displayed near the advertised product. The coupons/rebates can be used in any store that accepts manufacturer's coupons.
  • TIA - Thanks in advance
  • TRIPLE COUPON - a coupon that a grocery store triples in value
  • UPC - Universal Product Code
  • WT - Winetag - These are coupon cards or rebate cards which are placed over the neck of wine bottles or other products packaged in bottles and jars. Many times the coupons are for related food products and do not specify that a purchase of the bottled item is required. Example - A bottle of Kaluha might have a collar coupon for a specific brand of ice cream.
  • WYB - When You Buy
  • YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary - This is often seen in a couponers post on a forum and it means that depending on your store's policies, the deal posted may or may not work.
  • Dog Food - $1/2 Q (10/22 SS) - This would mean there is a coupon for dog food for $1.00 off of the purchase of two cans and the coupon can be found in the October 22 issue of Smart Source coupons.
  • Ketchup - B1G1F IPQ EXP 11/30 - This would mean that there is a "Buy One Get One Free" internet printable coupon which expires on 11/30.
Thank you:

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