Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What would you Love to see on my blog????

Hello fans, besides coupons, deals, teaching y'all how to do this(that's still in the works too, but do scope out the stuff I have posted so far...many, many tips there!), and saving $$$, what else would y'all love to see on my blog??? Be sure to ask your friends too to join my blog as well. :) Let me know here in the comments what specific things you'd love to see here. :) This way I can work on building my blog around things y'all love! :) Besides couponing. :) (((hugs)))

1 comment:

  1. Please post here what you'd like to see more of. Thank you very much for your input, it'll be very helpful. It's easier to find it here than on Facebook, especially if they force me to switch my Facebook to the new timeline. Thanks for understanding. :)
