Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Good Morning Fans!

Good Morning Fans! I just wanted to drop by and give a quick note that I am going to get some housecleaning done really quick, then come on here and get some more done to my blog. Also, on a side note, I will be gone from Saturday Feb. 25 til late Wednesday night(unless things change)Feb. 29 when I return. We have a family member we help take care of so we have to go do that and then we're driving to Houston to see the band ALABAMA in concert!!! I'm so excited I can hardly WAIT! Plus, it'll be a little 'us' time in there which is always nice to get! I just wanted to give you a thumbs up. Once I get back, I then have to schedule my eye exam for a possible dreaded surgery. We're more than positive I have cataracts which is so interferring with doing so much in my life. Couponing, cleaning, blogging, etc. Scary stuff but I have to get seen for that. Bear with me as I am trying very hard to do this for y'all but I'm only one person. Too bad my hubby can't help, he's awesome with computers, however, mine's on the fritz and on it's last leg, hence, we're couponing to a new one. My sweetie can't do much more to this thing but keep it running for me even though it's slow as a snail. LOL Just wanna say, many, many (((hugs))), thank y'all so much for being my fans and for understanding so much too. :) If I can get the $$$ to, I'm going to try and do another giveaway soon, just bear with me. LOL as I always say, clone I look forward to posting more for you all and I hope that you all have a wonderful day! ♥♥♥(((HUGS)))♥♥♥

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