Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Have you written to 5 companies yet this week?

Have you written to 5 companies yet this week? If not, you're missing out on possible coupons and freebies being sent to you! Make it a task to write to at least 5 companies per week. By writing 5 companies per week, it gives you the opportunity to reach out to 5 companies and let them know that you and your family love their products. Most companies will send you a thank you email email with coupons and or free products. This is no guarantee that they will send coupons or free products, but it's a great way to show them you appreciate their products. Don't ask for coupons or expect coupons or freebies. Let them decide on that. Most companies will email you asking you for your mailing address if they want to send you something or coupons. Simply thanking them for their products is good enough. Also, let them know what you like about their products, why you like them, and why you choose them over others. If in any event, if you're dissatisfied with their product, let them know *kindly* of why you are dissatisfied with their product. Again, don't expect coupons or freebies, don't ask for any either. Most of the time, you'll be amazed at what they'll send you to win you back. 

I wrote to a company a while ago, last Summer to be exact. I heard from them, gave them my information, however never heard back from them. I kindly wrote them back, asking about the progress of the situation, to my surprise, they're sending me coupons today. I received my email from them today regarding the situation. It doesn't hurt to write, but don't over do it, and don't write to the same company in the same week either. If it's a P&G product, don't write P&G, then to Pantene, or Bounce as they're also P&G products as well. Have it be 5 separate companies per week. Try it, you'll be surprised!

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