Thursday, July 28, 2011

I've been very, very busy lately!

I've been so very busy lately since returning from vacation. Our vacation was wonderful and when we returned home, I found out that a family member had been involved in an accident. The family member was hurt but is recovering now after surgeries and now at home recovering. Then there was the unpacking and getting back in the swing of things. I also run 4 online stores, plus trying to clean around the house, organize my coupons and get my 'stockpile' organized. That's the easy part--organizing my stock pile because it's not that big. I had to laugh though when my son came for a visit recently and kept saying "Hmm, that's new." LOL He's not use to our stock pile but once I explained to him what I was doing, he's cool with it. LOL :) 

He knows anytime he needs anything, if we have it, he can come get some. So all in all, it's beneficial to us all. 
This past weekend, even though I should've been cleaning more around the house and organizing more (that's a long story), I spent the entire day on Saturday clipping up a ton of coupons, well for me it was a ton. LOL I watched over 4 shows on our dvr, watched my favorite shows too. :) Boy did my fingers hurt by the end of the evening. It was funny because I kept clipping away, and my husband finally came and joined me in the living room. Normally, I'm the one that goes, finds all the coupons online, prints them, clips and organizes them and he helps me use them. He came in there and actually joined me in clipping them~!!!! :D I was so thrilled! My son showed up unexpectedly, (<--always so nice when that happens), we chatted with he & his friend and by the time I knew it, it was almost 5am! :o LOL I turned my hubby into a clipping coupon night owl! LOL It was a blast. We figured, well we're up, let's go get our newspapers. We live in a somewhat small town(I'm from Phoenix, so this is small to and we went to our local grocery store, no papers. :( While I'm in the grocery store, dh is outside in the truck waiting for me. Poor dh had a guy coming up to him trying to bum a lighter(we don't smoke) and money from him while I'm in the store. I come out, he tells me what happened. We go to Walgreen's, thank God both Walgreen's & CVS are both open here 24hrs a day. I go inside and I'm going through the papers. *RULE* of thumb, *ALWAYS* check your papers PRIOR to buying them and leaving the store. I learned that quite a while ago. I'm going through papers, finally get up to the counter to pay for them. Waiting on the clerk to get to the counter, my sweet hubby comes in, bless his heart, that *same* guy that just tried bumming $ & a lighter off of him is bugging him yet again here in Walgreen's parking lot! LOL I felt bad as I'm getting the fun part of buying the papers, while poor hubby is bothered by this nagging bum! LOL We came home, looked through the paper, went to bed for a little while and woke up later to go get a bite to eat. Came home from that, and he helped me clip again~! I was so thrilled! Then after we clipped them all, he was on the computer searching for more while I was organizing them. 

It brought a joy to my life that my dear sweet hubby is just as excited as I am to be cutting coupons! Once he starts seeing me save more, he'll be happy I did! 
About 2-3 weeks ago, I went into CVS to get some things and use my ECB's before they expired. I'm new to all of this too and not use to the ECB's. 

My confusion is: do we have to save *each* receipt that we get ECB's on and bring them back to use them each time or don't they just go onto our CVS card?
Anyhow.......back to my trip. I'd gotten 2 boxes of Raisin Bran--2 for $5 on sale with $1 ECB back, some tea, some onion ring things my honey wanted, and some other things too that I forgot now til I go back and get my pix that I took of it. I had some ECB's and coups. I can't remember all that I had right now, but in the end, total before coups & ECB's, was $17 or $18+. After ECB's & coups I had, 1.52, and they paid me back $1.00 in ECB's, so basically, got it for .52! LOL I shocked my honey, except I'm trying to teach him, couponing is for $aving, but you won't get everything for free, sometimes so, sometimes not. Depends on how you shop, where you shop etc.

We've had a few shopping weekends too that we considered good which I'll post soon after I finish more things at home. Just wanted to update you all and know that once I complete some things here @ home, I'll work on this too. :) Have a great day! Oh and find me on Facebook too!

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