Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'll be going on vacation soon.

I'll be going on vacation soon this week. I'm still cleaning our home before we leave, packing and taking care of odds & ends so that we don't have to worry about it after returning home. I like coming home to a clean house so that I don't have to worry about anything but unpacking, showering, laundry and getting a nice night's rest. Therefore, I've been very busy the last few days with trying to take care of all of that. 

Plus, yes, I am taking my coupons with us. Clipping along the way. ;) Now if I only had a printer to take with me..... ;) LOL I wonder what my sweetheart would think if I told him I wanted to bring the printer......hahahahaha! That's alright, I'll leave it home so that I don't accidentally lose it somewhere or gosh forbid, anything happen to it while we're on vacation. I'll miss printing those out!!!!! :(

We'll be on vacation for at least 10 days, if not longer. I'm very excited. We're going to Vegas too! It'll be exciting to see since I've never been there since I was a kid. :)

On another note, I did score a great deal today. I went to Dollar General and scored 2 Lysol No touch hand soap dispensers, 1 refill, and one Lysol nutra-airmatic thing all for $16.48 if I remember correctly. :) BOOYA! SCORE! You know you did good when even both the cashier's look at you and tell you you're shopping savvy and smart shopping! :)

Have a great rest of the week. I will try to blog along the way, errr, if I can remember my passwords. Doh! That's another thing I need to do..........***sigh*** where's that coffee at?! ::blink::

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