Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Forgot to show y'all this.

Hi Everyone,

I am *almost* done getting as much cleaning done at home that I can get done. Once I'm done, then I can come and post a whole lot more. I greatly thank you all dearly for hanging in there with me while I heal from my past 2 surgeries. My eye is still healing and it still itches tremendously. I feel as though I've got poison ivy in my eye but I don't. LOL I can't itch it because of the stitches. So far, one side of my eye is pretty much healed. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks before I go back to my next doctor's appointment, it will be completely healed and we'll move onto the next surgery. ***sigh*** (<---more out of pocket expenses...not what I'm looking forward to).

Anyhow, a couple of weeks ago, almost, I posted that I got something in the mail. Well here it is:


This is the Scanner that National Consumer Panel sent me!!!! Although I'm very new to the program, I'm still very excited about this. Here's how it works from what I understand.

Go to: www.ncponline.com and apply to become a member. National Consumer Panel is one of the well-known panels that you can join. The National Consumer Panel consists of people from all demographic and geographic areas of the United States. By scanning the barcodes on their purchases and completing surveys, panelists' consumer voices make an impact in the marketplace. NCP is an operational joint venture between the two leading consumer insights providers in the United States - The Nielsen Company and SymphonyIRI Group.

If you get chosen to be one of their panelist members, you'll receive your scanner in the mail. Once you receive it in the mail, make sure you hook it up the way you're suppose to and scan all your purchases. You then transmit your purchases (and answer surveys too if available at that time) for those purchases. You transmit your purchases for gas, groceries-food and non-food, clothes, when you eat at a restaurant, and even stuff from a vending machine! Each week, you'll earn points that you can save for all sorts of prizes. There's electronics, luggage, gift cards and more. Also, for being an active member, you get transmission points for each week.

Here's how that works:
Sign-up points: 1,000
Weekly Transmission Points:
      Time on the panel                      Points Per Weekly Transmission:
      0-6    months                               150
      7-12  months                               200
      1yr-2 years                                  225
      2 years                                        235
      3 years                                        245
      4 years                                        255
      5 years                                        280
      6+ years                                      325
Anniversary Points:
Anniversary gift points are given when you reach your 3, 6 and 12 month anniversaries on NCP. These extra points are also given on each anniversary after your one-year anniversary.
SuperScanner Points:
To qualify, you must:
  • Transmit your purchase and or survey information every week in a month, or
  • Make an "empty" transmission if your household hasn't shopped that week, or
  • Transmit the Won't Be Shopping Survey if you'll be unable to shop.
Super Scanners are awarded 350 additional gift points every month they qualify. That's up to 4,200 additional points each year! (<---must be an 'active' NCP member)

Take Surveys! Survey points: You can earn addiitonal gift points  by answering NCP surveys. You may receive surveys via regular mail, e-mail, or on your Surveys page at www.ncponline.com. Be sure to check your surveys page frequently for special online surveys for your household.

Scope out all the fun at www.ncponline.com and see what you can do. This is fun and also, there's Lucky Weeks Sweepstakes, (10 winners weekly)-10 winners $50 each, Monthly Sweepstakes(25 winners win $500!), Extra Special Super Scanner Sweepstakes-40 panel winners win $500!, Ultimate Shopping Spree Sweepstakes-1 winner quarterly wins his/her choice of any 10 gifts from current gift catalog or flyer.
Grand Prix Sweepstakes-Each quarter, one panel member wins his/her choice of any one of the following-a fantasy vacation, new vehicle, or lump sum payment of $20,000! See official sweepstakes rules on www.ncponline.com.So see, you *can* get paid to do this, it just takes a while and isn't instant. What do you have to lose? This is why I joined. To do something new, to be heard, and to get my chance at this stuff! :) So go to www.ncponline.com and join today to see if you can become a panelist! PS...keep checking your e-mail to see if you've been chosen! :) Good Luck!

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