Friday, April 20, 2012

See my Blog for a great Giveaway!

Hi Everyone,

Luckily, I can virtually type without seeing what I type. I had to learn how to do that precisely while in college. Anyhow, so if this has any mistakes, disregard them for now being that everyting is still very blurry.

I wanted to let y'all know of a really great giveaway going on. Being that I can't do a giveaway just yet, with all that's going on with my surgeries and all, I'd like to send ya' to this other giveaway to enter. If you win, so do I! So let's jump to it and give it a try! What do ya' say? To me, it's like playing the Lottery, you can't win if ya' don't play right? Or in this case, you can't win if ya' don't enter. At least ya' give it a shot. 

See my blog, on the right hand side, there's a Contest Chest Giveaway there, click that and enter to win! Meanwhile, as mucah as I'd love to sit and blog and post and coupon and find coupons and deals and such and all that fun stuff.........darn, I gotta finish gettinng packed and ready to leave for the weekend. 

We have some things to take care of out of town this weekend, then we have to go to Arlington for my surgeries EARLY Monday Morning. I am soooooooooo not looking forward to the other surgeries. One was bad enough. I'm a chicken when it comes to anyone touching my eyes, much less cutting them. I realize it's not that big of a deal to others, however, it is to me. It means that I could either leave the surgery with better vision or possible blindness due to the rarity of my eye condition the dr said. So yeah, I'm scared but gotta get my big girl pants on and just go with it. I will not be able to post on Monday and most of Tuesday but when I'm able to, I sure will. Hopefully this weekend, the dear sweetie can help me catch up on my couponin' before Monday's surgery and I pray my son will clean out our fridge for me since I didn't get to finish it and fix it up for me to where 'my' stuff(drinks/snacks/fruit and such) is all on one side for a day or so. Let's hope he remembers. Although, I have this feeling he won't remember. 

Y'all take care. I'll post as I can on the road, however I may not be able to see it well. We'll see if my special glasses will help. God Bless y'all and have a great weekend. I so can't wait to see! Much love & (((hugs)))♥♥♥!

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