Monday, February 27, 2012

How I got my CVS purchase free-2-26-12.

Really quick here as I have to leave. LOL Last night, I went to CVS with my sweetie. I bought 1 Thermacare heat wrap & 12 Dove chocolate bars. We had $4 in ECB's to use up. 

(1) Thermacare heat wraps-1 count
(12) Dove Chocolate bars

Thermacare-3.79 (but rang up 6.99)
Dove chocolate bars-.29 each

(1) Thermacare $3/1 coupon
($4) in Extracare Bucks.

My sweetie bought the wrong Thermacare, the lady rung us up, was busy chatting.

Get done, ECB's didn't print out. Come to find out, it was the wrong Thermacare. Exchanged it. Went to get a refund for this and our ECB's. The lady cashier there, well, she did something I wouldn't do.  We asked her several times to please refund the entire transaction, however, she didn't.

Instead, she refunded the amount to a gift card. Again, against our wishes, but well, it's not my job and her and the other guy there were managers.

The amount to the gift card came out to like $7.57 if I remember right. She rung us up again, redid the coupons, and printed out our ECB.

So the transaction should've been:

(1) Thermacare heat wraps-1 count-3.79
(12) Dove Chocolate bars-.12(clearance)= 3.48

Total: 7.27
-3.00=4.87-4(ECB's)-.87 plus 3.79 in ECB's.

Thermacare-3.79 (but rang up 6.99)
Dove chocolate bars-.29 each

(1) Thermacare $3/1 coupon
($4) in Extracare Bucks.

Cashier paid us with a gift card, re-rung  us up--then used the gift card, paid us our ECB's. Bad thing is, I feel she royally screwed up, but she wouldn't listen to us. We should've only had to pay: .87 on it. When I get to the hotel, hopefully I can see my honey's laptop, I'll edit this and post more details and a pic hopefully. Either way, she just owed us the $ for the over price on the wrong Thermacare and the ECB's, and we should've only paid $.87 for all, plus gotten our ECB's, but well, it's her job. I'm calling the corporate later if this isn't right. Gotta figure out the difference, as she may have refunded us the correct amount, however, should've refunded us cash, not a gift card, then reused the cash. I use to work for Eckered for over 4+ years, I know what she did. I'll be back later this week. I'll try and blog from the hotel if I can see the laptop.


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