Thursday, February 23, 2012

For those with Iphones & Android phones, check this out!

A while ago, I asked how many people had Iphones & Android phones. Why, because of this. If you haven't done this already, I sure encourage you to Join Shopkicks *here* and start earning 'kicks' towards FREE rewards now! What is Shopkick? Shopkick is an app that is free to download(click the link *here* to join first) then download it to your phone. Once you join, you can earn kicks for shopping at certain stores, 'tapping' stores located nearby, walking into stores(<---yes, I said just for walking into stores!), scanning certain items in stores, buying certain things at certain stores with your 'linked' card and referring people to Shopkick! My sweetie & I travel out of town once a month. During the travel, I refresh the 'nearby' places(beware, you can drain your battery quick doing this, but always handy to have the charger ready! I just keep ours plugged, then 'tapping' those places to 'level' up. The higher the level, the more kicks you can get in 'instant rewards'. Some of the rewards you can earn are: gift cards, facebook credits, hotel cards(for $25 hotel cards you redeem when you book at certain hotels), gas cards, Itunes gift cards, Target gift cards, Macy's gift cards, gift cards and more! So far, we've racked up enough kicks for us to get 5 $25 hotel gift cards. Some of the hotels require a 2 night stay, others don't. It takes a little time to get the kicks, but if you do it daily, it adds up quickly, but well, if you're the passenger in the car, like me, lol, I just play with it and get the kicks each time we go anywhere, even if it's to the grocery store. 
When I first got my first hotel gift card, I had only 1,555 kicks. I used 625 kicks and still had 900+ kicks left. Not even a few days later, with scanning products, walking into stores, and 'tapping', I'd gotten way past the 1,555 that I had! So you can earn them quickly or slowly, it just depends on how much you use the app. You can also 'add' your favorite stores too. Up to 25 of them. When you look at those stores on your favorites, there will be coupons, discounts, freebies and deals you can get at those stores with your shopkick being on your phone! Between getting American Express gift cards last year at CVS for a $30 purchase, plus also for a $30 purchase at CVS last year we also got gas cards too, and this, we're on our way to saving big for our next vacation! We've racked up over $200+ in savings just for gas, hotel & American Express gift cards and you can too! So give it a shot and see what I'm talking about and start earning today! 

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