Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hello all!

Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you know, tonight, I'm finishing up my coupons, you know the filing and all.....so I'll be ready this weekend. One of my New Year's resolutions was to clip/sort/file all by Tuesdays, however with this darned rain and allergies galore driving me absolute bonkers, that didn't pan out too well. LOL So bear with me as I have a lot to do, sooooooo much, wishing someone could A: Clone me, B: give me MORE energy....! LOL I am going to work on my coupons and cleaning tonight while my son is out, and my hubby sleeps, and then jump on here tomorrow and try and blog my heart out. LOL I'm also still very much learning how to do all of this. I have vision issues, also, so bear with me. This is why I bold posts and such. I hope y'all don't feel like I'm yelling. As I'm not. So anyhow...............happy couponing, I'm gonna go chill out and finish this up. :) If anyone wants to lend me a hand cleaning my fridge....haahaa, I'll gladly take you up on it. :) LOL Just kidding. :) Have a super great evening/late night/early morning. I'll be on here asap when my hubby wakes in the am. I'd blog on our other computer, however, oh my it's a dinosaur and it's slow as a snail. Takes me at least 10 minutes just for this post to post on that computer. Hence, I love mine compared to it. I can type faster with mine and post faster when I find good stuff. Bear with me. I'm also trying to work on some videos for y'all too. :) (((hugs)))♥♥♥

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