Friday, December 30, 2011

Click here to get your FREE $10 in BOUNCE coupons & More!


  1. I entered for the giveaway!!! Love it!

  2. Love the blog .. entered for the binder

  3. trying to enter for the binder, thanks alot for the chance, now it says gourmet gal, thats my google, lisa helms is my facebook name

  4. Thank You ladies for following the directions and also for joining my page, and I hope that you also join my blog. It's a GIANT learning process and on top of trying to find deals, trying to post coupons, trying to work with this blog, trying to learn it, trying to have *patience* with learning it, it's a giant job, along with my daily things to do that I need to get done. I so appreciate each and every one of you that followed directions and I hope that you're here to stay, not just because of a giveaway. I have lots of info to offer, lots of tips for newbies, anxious to get it going but I have to be as patient as I can be with my outdated pc, software, my bad vision and just really trying to grasp it all. Not to mention clipping/sorting/filing my own coupons. LOL So thank you all very much for following directions. I truly appreciate all of you honest ones, and hope you're here to stay. :) God Bless y'all, bear with me, I'm also learning this darned Rafflecopter which isn't being nice to! Stay tuned, winner will be announced tomorrow! Wait, I meant *today* 1-2-12. Hey! <---- 1, 2, that won't happen until 12/12/12.... ;) Pretty cool 'eh? LOL
