Monday, October 24, 2011

Sorry I haven't blogged in quite a while.

I haven't been on this particular blog for quite a while due to the fact that I wasn't able to log into it and then when I was able to log into it, it wouldn't let me post a single thing. Therefore, I have since been trying to work on a new blog on Wordpress, however, that's taking a lot more time than what I anticipated due to the complications I've had with numerous things such as updates on my computer and lack of knowledge on Wordpress. Therefore, for now, since I am able to log in here for the time being, I will continue to use this blog for now.

Coming up soon, there will be a very BIG giveaway soon!!!! I am doing all of this on my own, with no help and so please bear with me as I learn. My husband works 50-60+ hours a week and isn't able to help me as much as he'd like to. Therefore, the housework, shopping, clipping/sorting, organizing, everything, I primarily do on my own. He helps tremendously when he's able to and feels up to it but I must also let him rest when he needs to.

Be on the look out soon though for more blog posts this week, as I try and also find more deals for y'all. Feel free to ask any questions and comment. If you are unable to comment, please let me know and I'll see if I can make sure the comments are enabled here for your postings.  Have a look around, see what you can get, and come learn with me!

Thank you again for visiting my blog and for learning with me. You can also find me on Facebook at:

*********November 5, 2011***********
Blogger is at it again. I can not edit my pages like I could the other day. I am still trying to learn my Wordpress blog, so please bear with me. Hopefully this will post. :(

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