Monday, August 29, 2011

I've been very busy and frustrated Bear with me PLEASE...

Bear with me today as I'm dealing with this blog and many other things. The Blog isn't being friendly to me today. LOL So bear with me as I get through a lot of things, hopefully fixing my blog and being able to post more.

I look forward to being able to blog, except that when posting to my pages, it's being ugly to me. LOL hang in there. I'm still very much new to this.

Thank you for following me and for learning with me as well as for being my online friends. :)

Much ore to come once I get all this situated.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Join my friend's giveaway HERE!

Referral Giveaway going on right now at my good friend's page Coupon Queen of Texas referral Giveaway HERE!  Please tell here Lisa from The Learning Road sent ya!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


is having a SUPER deal every 1/2 Hour! 

Today-8-11-11 ONLY-every 1/2 hour @ 1SaleADay will be a different sale! Scope it out!

Friday, August 5, 2011

How to tell if your coupons were used on your transaction.

Here's the link from my friend, The Coupon Faerie(TCF) which explains how to look @ your receipt and tell if your coupons have been used.
How to tell if your coupons were used on your transaction.
Thank you yet again TCF!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What a bad night @ Walmart!

Wednesday: August 3, 2011.
Last night(8/3/2011), I went to Walmart in another city close by. My sweetie took me to this other city primarily for me to deposit some cash into my bank account at another branch atm because my branch atm wasn't working. We had to drive at least 15 miles, if not more to this other city to do this. We'd planned on going to Walmart in our city, however, when the issue arose that we couldn't use my atm, we'd decided to go to the other atm in the other city. When arriving there, we found another Walmart right next to the atm I'd just used, so we went there. Mind you, I'd had a terrible day dealing with issues @ home all day long and it didn't stop at the atm in our city either. It continued on into the other city at the other Walmart when I'd gone in there and bought some things.

We had coupons for every item except for 5 items on my receipt-1 gal. milk, 1 gal. tea, 1 20 oz tea, 1 20oz Coke & 1 gallon of bleach. The rest had coupons.

It was quite late when we arrived @ the other Walmart and after going shopping for the items we were looking for, partly what took us so long is that the store was backwards from what we're use to and figuring out where the items were, then making sure items matched the coupons exactly, we go to check out around 1:15am. 

After ringing us up, I'd told the cashier @ the beginning that I'd had some coupons for almost all the items and there were a few. She rang us up, then proceeded to do the coupons. Mind you, now a line is building up, she doesn't call for back up, she doesn't call manager when she's stuck and then to make matters worse, she scanned each coupon, then looked at each one for at least 1 minute each, reading each one. She was so slow. I'm legally blind and I could've done that transaction way faster than she did trust me! Then she's telling me some of my items I didn't get, when in fact, I did. I then had to pull out the items in question and tell her these were the items. So I'm thinking she gave me my credit on them for the coupons right? Afterwards, the total sounds off. By the end of the transaction, my poor husband, he's falling asleep standing in line waiting, trying to be patient. Had it not been so late, I would've made this cashier totally re-do my entire transaction. However, being that it was so late, we still had to drive home and hubby needed to sleep, I let it go. 

Only to get home and find out that she hadn't used some of my coupons, and she *KEPT* some of them as well! I then spent *all* night long, trying to add all this all up the right way and trying to match the coupons to the items that she'd used them on. Frustrated, I'd called the store manager. 

By this time, it's 6:30-6:45am. Explained what'd happened, was advised to call the accounting dept. in the morning @ 8am. Which only meant for me to stay awake longer. ***sigh*** I called the accounting manager explaining what happened. I was informed she'd call me back later this afternoon. This afternoon arrives, she calls me. (Mind you, I'd had maybe 5 hours of sleep now, still zoned). 

She proceeds to tell me I didn't give that cashier all the coupons and that if I could figure out which coupons she didn't give me credit for, then I could bring in those coupons, give them to them(mind you, I'd given them to the cashier, however, the accounting manager said I didn't---grrrr!)and I'll get a gift card for the balance. Oh and to make it even worse, gotta spend more gas to get out there! :( Somehow, this just isn't right. I certainly feel I got the short end of the stick this time. Not only in coupons, but also in gas now. Rawwwr! LOL The cashier didn't apologize to us, the managers didn't apologize to us, I'm not shopping there again if I can help it and *if* I do, I'm putting my entire list into hubby's phone-w/corresponding coupon on GroceryQ if I can figure out the app. and also counting my coupons before going to the register as well as handing one by one to them....they don't like it, they'll have to 'pound salt' as my sweetie would :p

Lesson learned quickly, DON'T give *ALL* your coupons to the cashier at once. Have them scan each one, one by one to make sure you get your stuff correctly. Otherwise, you may be going through what I went through and I'm not done yet. I've spent all day going through the coupons(luckily I *had* an extra set at home)and trying to match them up. Which has been another struggle for me due to my vision. Ever wonder why I type in bold? So that I can see it better and even with that, it's still blurry due to my vision. When I use my special glasses, I'm fine. I strained my eyes though going through all this and I just want to let you all know what happened so that you don't experience it the way I did. Later, after all this is done, I'll add a link here for a good post from a buddy of mine and you'll see how to look at your coupons better to make sure they are on there.

Many (((hugs))) and have a blessed day. I hope to be back later, if I'm not sleeping in La-la Land.  

Here's the link from my friend, The Coupon Faerie(TCF) which explains how to look @ your receipt and tell if your coupons have been used.
How to tell if your coupons were used on your transaction.
Thank you yet again TCF! 
*UPDATE on bad Walmart experience*:
So here's how it went. After speaking to the accounting manager, she'd told me to come to the store w/the coupons that weren't used(again, frustrated that the cashier took them...but didn't give me credit for them)and they'd give me my gift card for the balance. Well.....I struggled to match those coups up, it was just a battle with my vision. So I took matters into my own hands. I called the store after hubby got home, manager wasn't available for me to speak to on the phone. I told hubby, let's just go out there. We bagged up all the stuff again, went out there again, hoping to have a way better experience. I didn't want to leave the items @ home, just in case someone told me that they would have to ring up the stuff again. I was hoping that they'd either do a 'training' thing & re-ring up my stuff to figure out which coups weren't used or just find one incredibly patient manager that would take the time to A: hear our situation and B: read the receipt and help us match the coups on the receipt. 

Upon arriving there, we found a manager. However, it wasn't the manager I was told to speak to. I didn't mind as long as this manager didn't mind. We explained that this would be time consuming but that we wanted to explain what had happened and get the issue corrected. We explained we're new to couponing and that we're just trying to save some $ like the everyone else, except we're couponing. We didn't use 100's of coupons(good grief, we'd be in the store for, we used a few, under 55. If I remember right, it was suppose to be about 52 coupons we used. I'd have to count them 

This manager was sooooooo patient and wonderful. I told my husband, "Now why can't they all be this cooperative and helpful?" LOL He laughed at me. She went through and we put them into 2 piles, one pile for coups used, another for coups not used. I had taken extra coupons from my extra inserts that I had to cut out up there to show her which coupons were actually used. Thank God I had those extra inserts! I even went as far as to writing down each item, the coupon price, then the item price after. The manager complimented me on my job well done. She said "Wow, you really did some research and  you did your homework well. Good job!" I told her I hadn't slept trying to figure this all out but got tired trying to match the coups up with the items and my eyes were strained. LOL She said she was more than happy to help us out. 

She matched them up, found the items that coups weren't used on, and gave us credit for them all. In the end, we got a $40 gift card back for the difference on the coupons. :) We were so stoked! Hubby was looking at me like "OMG, wow!" LOL Hehehe! I think I officially have my hubby addicted to couponing as well as now this am, before leaving for work, he always comes and kisses me goodbye and tells me he loves me and he says "Wanna go to Target this evening and see what we can get?" LOL I love my honey♥!

Ok, so I'm going to resize the font on here to make this easier.
Here's the break down of what we got and the coupons @ Walmart:
  1. Glaceau Water @ 1.00 x 6= 6.00 - .55 each = 2.70 for 6
  2. Wishbone dressing @ 1.26 - .50 = .76
  3. Airwick Air Freshener @ .97 x 2 = 1.94 - 1.00 = .94 for 2
  4. Hungryman dinner @ 2.22 x 2 = 4.44 - 1.00 = 3.44 for 2
  5. Magmum ice cream @ 1.78 x  4 = 7.12 - 4.00 = 3.12 for 4
  6. Dawn Dishsoap @ .97 x 4 = 3.88 - 2.00 = 1.88 for 4
  7. Scrubbing Bubbles @ 3.97 x 1 = 3.97 - 1.00 = 2.97
  8. Bengay @ 4.98 x 1 = 4.98 - 5.00 = +.02
  9. Bengay @ 4.98 x 1 = 4.98 - 5.00 = +.02
  10. Bengay @ 4.98 x 1 = 4.98 - 3.00 = 1.98
  11. Bengay @ 4.98 x 1 = 4.98 - 3.00 = 1.98
  12. Secret Deordorant @ 3.97 = 3.97 - 1.00 = 2.97
  13. Tampax Pearl @ 3.97 x 3 = 11.91 B1G1
  14. Lysol @ 2.48 x 2 =  4.96 -1.00 = 3.96
  15. Axe Bodywash @ 3.97 x 4 = 15.88 - 7.94 = 7.94 B1G1 
  16. Dove Women's Deodorant @ 3.84 (Buy Women's dove deordorant, get Dove Mens deodorant free-Dove's men-3.97 free)
  17.  Degree Deordorant(travel size)- @ .97 x 8 - 8 1.00 coups = 7.76-8.00 = + .24
  18. Olay Bodywash @ 5.97 = 5.97 Get Free Skintamate Shave gel(1.97 free)
  19. All You Magazine-@ 1.88 x 2 - 2 10% coups = 3.38
TOTAL=127.34 Before Coups
After Coups = 39.17 Saved 88.17
(that's including a $40 gift card manager gave us for the coups the lady took and didn't use) I don't know the percentage I saved but hubby was "WOW" afterwards!!! LOL